Crushing Your First Marathon: A Beginner's Guide

Running your first ever marathon is an incredible journey. They say, “Everything you ever wanted to know about yourself, you can learn in 26.2 miles.” - and trust me, no truer statement has ever been said. the training process itself is an incredible opportunity for self discovery - there’s a lot of long runs, a lot of hours pounding the pavement and honestly it’s all worth it, every single time.

With the right mindset, preparation, and support, you can crush your first marathon. This is my beginner’s guide for you…

Setting the Stage

The Marathon Mindset

You have to believe you’re going to run a marathon, and this normally starts once you’ve signed up. Nothing becomes real until you get that acceptance letter and confirmation that ‘you’re in!’ - and this is the turning point. Here is where you have to believe you will cross that finish line - and all we have to do it get you to the starting line. you have a long road ahead of you, and it’s ok to have nerves and doubts, but embrace the excitement of this adventure - all of these emotions are apart of this journey.

Goal Setting: Realistic Targets

Whilst we all dream of a sub-3 hour marathon, for your first one, the goal should be ‘to finish’. completing a marathon is one thing, but being able to enjoy the day, take everything in and embrace the whole environment is the best advice I can give you. Take the pressure off of yourself and know the goal is to finish - and what an incredible goal that is! I did this for my first marathon in london in 2016, and it was one of the best days of my life! You want to celebrate and enjoy this incredible achievment!

The Importance of a Training Plan

Now, about that training plan. It's your roadmap to marathon success. My first marathon taught me the value of structured training. Whether you choose a beginner's plan, hire a coach (I know a great one!), or craft your own, having a plan keeps you accountable and ensures you're building the right foundation. Make sure you have enough time to train saefly; I’d recommend 4-6 months depending on your starting point.

Building Your Base

The Significance of a Solid Foundation

you need to build a strong running base before upping the miles. the shorter runs, and shorter races in your training programme will add experience and confidence to you as a runner. I often recommend athletes to treat these races as stepping stones to your larger goal.

Incorporating Strength Training

Strength training is something massively overlooked by most runners. You need to build a body that can withstand the demands of your run training. Incorporate exercises that target your core, glutes, and legs will help to prevent injuries. My personal experience taught me that strength training significantly reduced my risk of injuries and improved my overall performance. If you’re not sure where to start, feel free to reach out to myself or there’s a lot of free resources on youtube too.

Your Marathon Training Plan

Selecting the Right Training Plan

Choosing the right training plan is crucial. Pick one that aligns with your current fitness level and marathon goals. Many beginners opt for plans that incorporate run-walk intervals to gradually build endurance. When I started, I found a plan that matched my fitness level and tailored it to my needs. Customization is key. It took me 3 months to go from couch to 5km, and the 4 months to get from 5km to my first marathon - you have to respect where you’re at and the journey you’re on.

Balancing Mileage and Rest Days

Training isn't about pushing yourself relentlessly. Balance is key. Your training plan should include a mix of mileage and rest days. Rest days are when your body repairs and gets stronger. Don't underestimate their importance. I've seen athletes burn out from overtraining, and it's a pitfall you should avoid.

Long Runs, Tempo Runs, and Speed Workouts

Your training plan will include a variety of workouts, including long runs, tempo runs, and speed workouts. Each serves a purpose in building your stamina and speed. Long runs help you adapt to the marathon distance, tempo runs improve your endurance, and speed workouts increase your running efficiency. When I was training, I initially struggled with speed workouts but gradually saw improvements that boosted my confidence. be kind to yourself and have patience - you will get there.

Mastering the Long Run

Increasing Your Long Run Gradually

The long run is the cornerstone of marathon training. It's where you build the physical and mental resilience needed for the marathon distance. Start with a manageable distance and increase gradually. as you add miles each week, it will became less daunting i promise. pre-planning and mixing up running routes; listening to music to podcasts to speaking on the phone; to running alone and with friends - all of these will help mix up the monotony of the weekly long run.

The Art of Pacing

Pacing is a skill you'll refine over time. Avoid the temptation to go too fast, too soon. It's easy to get caught up in excitement during long runs, but pacing yourself is essential to prevent burnout. my advice to all my runners: “always start slower than you think you should.”

Nutrition and Hydration

Don't forget nutrition and hydration during long runs. Fuelling properly can make or break your training. Experiment with different energy gels, chews, and hydration strategies to find what works best for you. If you can carry these with you on your runs, great - if not, and you need/want to stop for water/drinks - then stop for water/drinks. You taking a short break in your runs to fuel will not damage your training.

Fueling Your Journey

Proper Nutrition for Marathon Training

Fueling your body is paramount. Opt for a well-balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Before workouts, choose easily digestible meals that provide sustained energy. the priority is make sure you are not under fuelling your body - make sure you are eating enough.

The Importance of Hydration

Hydration is equally critical. Dehydration can hinder your performance and even lead to injury. Keep a water bottle handy throughout the day and ensure you're well-hydrated before, during, and after your runs. It's a lesson I learned early on. If you’re training throughout summer, or in warmer locations, make sure you’re topping up your electrolytes too.

Pre-Race Nutrition Strategies

Your nutrition strategy isn't just about training days. It extends to the days leading up to your marathon. you have to make sure you’re eating and drinking enough a few days before the race to ensure your glycogen stores are topped off. I've seen how this strategy can make a significant difference in race performance.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Overtraining and Injury Prevention

One common pitfall is overtraining. Listen to your body; it's your best indicator. If you feel persistent fatigue, pain, or a decline in performance, it's time to rest. Injuries can be a setback, and I've experienced the frustration they bring. Learn from my mistakes and prioritise recovery. Seek professional medical advice if any pain persists.

Adjusting Your Plan When Life Gets in the Way

Life can be unpredictable. Balancing work, family, and training can be challenging. When life gets in the way, don't stress. Adjust your training plan as needed or speak to your coach. Missing a run or two won't derail your progress. I've juggled coaching, family, and my own training, and flexibility is key.

Race Day Strategies

Final Preparations: Tapering and Rest

As race day approaches, embrace the taper. It's a phase where you reduce training intensity to rest your body for the marathon. Trust in your training and enjoy the extra downtime. Tapering prepares you for a strong race day performance.

The Marathon Morning Routine

Race day is here! Stick to your routine, from the pre-race meal to your warm-up routine. Trust the training you've put in. I vividly remember my first marathon morning—a mix of excitement and butterflies. A consistent routine helped calm my nerves.

Pacing and Race Day Nutrition

During the marathon, stick to your pacing plan. Don't get swept up in the crowd's enthusiasm and start too fast. Consistency is key. Fuel and hydrate according to your race day strategy. try your best never to try anything new on race day!

Mental Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

The marathon is not just a physical test but a mental one too. Challenges will arise, and it's essential to have mental strategies in place. I often tell my athletes to break the race into smaller goals, focus on the present moment, draw inspiration from the journey itself and just take everything in. we do this for fun!

Post-Race Celebration and Recovery

Basking in Your Achievement

Crossing that marathon finish line is an indescribable moment. Take the time to bask in your achievement. It's a testament to your dedication and hard work. Embrace the exhilaration of completing your first marathon.

Post-Marathon Recovery

After the race, prioritize recovery. Expect some soreness, and give your body the rest it deserves. Celebrate with friends and fellow runners. My first marathon post-race celebration was filled with laughter, stories, and a sense of camaraderie I cherish to this day. I ran the entire marathon with a guy i met in the starting pen - and we’ve been friends ever since!

Transitioning to Your Next Running Goals

Completing your first marathon is a milestone, not the finish line. Use this experience as a stepping stone to new running goals. Whether it's improving your marathon time, tackling new distances, or simply enjoying the journey, there are endless possibilities ahead.

Your first marathon journey is an incredible chapter in your life. It's about more than just running; it's about self-discovery, resilience, and the pursuit of a goal that once seemed distant. Embrace each step of the process, from the early doubts to the triumphant finish.

As a coach, I've seen countless individuals transform into marathoners, and I believe in your potential to do the same. With the right mindset, preparation, and the lessons shared in this guide, you're well-equipped to not only complete your first marathon but to savor every moment of the journey.

Your marathon adventure awaits, and every step you take brings you closer to realizing your dream. So, lace up those running shoes, hit the pavement, and remember that the journey itself is a victory.



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