Spartan Sprint - Singapore

After the success of our first Spartan Sprint in December, we had to sign up to another Spartan Race - and what better place than at home in Singapore.

I've been running Spartan Bootcamps weekly since October 2017 and in December myself and 4 clients ran our first Spartan Sprint. This March I had 12 female clients, as well as 8 of my Joe & The Juice boys. So from 4 to 20 within 3 months!

Secretly I'm always a little nervous before these events.. From making sure I have everyone's t-shirts and extra sun screen, to knowing I have to support a range of fitness levels and make sure every single one of my clients will not only finish the course safely, but to make sure they feel incredible the entire way, and for them to trust in me to lead them during those hours on the course.

Saying 'it was hot' was an understatement. It was extremely hot, with a lack of water stops and we were on the beach for a lot of the run. We took our time and it went incredibly well.

Worse moments:

  • When Jen slipped down the rope and got rope burn on her hand *face palm*

Best moments:

  • Seeing Anna get up the rope - it was her aim last year, but having the rope over an hour into the course, she was exhausted, the rope was wet and mentally she could not get to the top. Seeing her completely calm this year, smash that rope climb, and get down safely was incredible.

  • Seeing half of those girls get to the top of the rope, girls who have never touched a rope prior to training with me - I was beyond thrilled and proud.

  • Watching how no one gave up - even with the increased weights across the obstacles, even though it was some of these racers first times, even though they were out of their comfort zone - they never gave up and completed every obstacle (apart from spear throw and Olympus Wall - next year!)

  • Seeing team members run back to support people struggling. Every single person on that team is strong at certain points and weak at others. Knowing when you yourself are strongest and knowing when to help others was one of the most humbling things I saw. It was phenomenal to see people taking initiative to step up and support when they could. For example, there was an 8 foot wall with no step up for ladies, zero hesitation I go down into a wall sit and tell every single one of those girls to use me as a step up - I got every girl over. A guy then came up to me and offered to boost me up as he'd just seen what I'd done. The inverted wall was another one that you really need the help of your team mates and without me saying a word, girls who had completed it rushed back round to support others and literally push them up and over.

  • Seeing one of our newest members complete obstacles completely out of her comfort zone - and everytime I went back to run with her or help take some of the weight off her, she would be saying 'I can do this' - and she did, every single time without complaint and with a smile on her face!

  • The fact that even though we're going through this crazy obstacle course we're still singing Disney's Mulan Make A Man Out Of You at the top of our lungs or dancing in between obstacles.

  • During the Hercules Hoist seeing all girls do it in twos and threes - encouraging one another and helping each other. Also seeing Anna and Julia smash it by themselves for the first time was amazing.

As the trainer you do have quite a bit of pressure. Not only do you need to support and encourage your team, but you need to be someone who then can trust, look to for guidance, and have them know that physically you are also capable. The latter was something I was nervous about this time around. I'd been marathon training and travelling a lot the past 2 months so wasn't as prepared for a Spartan as I wanted to be. Honestly, I was scared I wouldn't be 'good enough' on that course that day - I was wrong.

My mentor text me the night before and we had a one hour catch up last week - specifically focusing on my flight or fight response when it comes to the rope. Since my fall from the rope last month, it does make me nervous; I thought I was scared of the height and falling again, but turns out I just actually wasn't breathing the entire length of the rope climb so was running out of oxygen the higher I went, which was causing me to panic so much. Luckily on race day, the rope climb was at the beginning of the course and even though I did think 'I'll skip it after my clients have done it in case I don't make it up', I knew I would regret it if I didn't at least try. So I did, and I kept breathing and took my time - I got to the top and rang that bell - my first full rope climb in a Spartan Race - as did many of my clients.

The last obstacle on the course was the Hercules Hoist. Last year none of my clients could complete this lift solo, apart from myself, so I knew I could do it this time regardless of the increased weight. All my girls went in twos and threes apart from two girls who tried and completed it solo. When it was my turn, I did the lift no problem, but then one of the girls shouted 'you just make it look so easy!' - and it did feel easy to me.

Having the rope climb and Hercules Hoist achievements for myself really gave me that sense physically of - I'm here, I'm strong, I am supposed to be here leading this group, I can do this. And I did really need that physical proof that I am good enough.

I did tear up at the end! As a coach you invest so much time with these people who are trusting you to make them feel better, they show you their weakest points and you need to build them up - be it physically or mentally. Looking around as we approached the finish line, I had 12 strong girls, all with smiles across their sandy/muddy faces - I mean we looked like we'd been dragged through a hedge backwards! I had a moment of being so insanely proud of how far they'd all come, how much they had pushed at times to get through the course, how even though they didn't all know each other, we were a team, we all supported and encouraged one another.

I could not have asked for a better group of people to do this Sprint with; looking to the future now, I think I'm finally ready to really push PrettyStrong and the movement forward. We are stronger together, and physical activity can make you feel unstoppable- the achievements you make, small or large will push you forward - you will make friendships for life and accomplish greatness together. We are PrettyStrong.

Feedback From Our Pretty Strong Team

Never participated in any race/marathon before and the first one had to be a Spartan! So so so thankful for this group, especially Frankie, Glenda, Farah and Marilyn for egging me on to join this race. Thank you for consistently motivating me throughout, for helping me especially in the high element obstacles given my fear of heights, and for never leaving me behind... Would never have thought that I’d be able to complete it, but I did (except a couple of obstacles)! So proud of everyone and so much love for y’all. Till the next one! AROO!
— RICHELLE I am the oldie (forty-five) among the team but not a bit did I feel it during the training and especially during the race. Thanks to these amazing girls and to our wonderful trainer, Frankie, who never let me feel intimidated. Spartan race training and the race makes me feel young, and stronger physically and mentally. I am so proud to be a part of it. Aroo!
Such a fun day with these ladies in pink! Only took Jen about 6 months to convince me to sign up and do it but I am so glad I did it! (so proud of you for getting up the rope climb!) Thank you Frankie for training and prepping us! Can’t wait to train for the next one with you!
— Anna
Spartan with Squad Complete - Finally conquered the rope and feeling hopeful for whats next to come. Bring on the Super with PrettyStrong. Thanks to all your guidance and training throughout this life changing experience! Aroo!
— Jen
Didn’t see myself climbing walls, crawling through dirt and sand, carrying heavy buckets and bags through heat and rain.. It was a last minute decision but no regrets at all.. Thanks to this PrettyStrong group of women. Kudos to us all for pushing through together and completing the race! I’m tired but feeling accomplished! Rest well ladies and see you at the next race!!
— Farah
Nailed the rope climb this time! My 2nd Spartan Race with PrettyStrong.. Well done to all 13 girls today and thanks Frankie for all the bootcamps and burpees to get us there!
— Anna
Bucket list and fitness milestone check! Despite the rain, it was an awesome experience for me to race together with a bunch of like-minded and lovely girlfriends. More races to come!
— Glenda
Finished my first Spartan Race with the help and support from the Joe and the Juice team and of course our lovely coach Frankie! First but not last and surely this was out of my comfort zone. Until next time!
— Ryan

A message from the Joe & The Juice boys…



BodyBoss - Singapore


Spartan Sprint - Malaysia